MEN's facial care

La peau du visage de l’homme peut être abimée par différents facteurs (le tabac, la pollution, le soleil, le vieillissement, l’acné, le manque de soins et d’hydratation).
Plusieurs traitements et technologies esthétiques vont permettre à celle-ci de retrouver, son éclat, sa jeunesse et sa fermeté et la nettoyer en profondeur.
Ces soins du visage au masculin ne sont pas douloureux et non invasifs, de faibles rougeurs peuvent persister durant quelques heures post soins mais disparaitront rapidement.
The skin of a man's face can be damaged by various factors (tobacco, pollution, sun, aging, acne, lack of care and hydration), several treatments and aesthetic technologies will allow it to recover its radiance, youthfulness and firmness and cleanse it thoroughly.
These facial treatments for men are not painful and non-invasive, slight redness may persist for a few hours after treatment but will quickly disappear.
What type of treatment for what skin problem?
Blackheads and impurities: the hydrafacial will be the most effective treatment for deep cleansing and rehydration of the skin.
Acne scars: acne can leave marks on the skin, these can be effectively treated by peeling and micro needling sessions, both combined give very good results in 3 to 4 sessions.
Dehydration, wrinkles, fine lines: lack of hydration causes wrinkles and fine lines, these can be faded by different procedures such as micro needling, peeling, meso electroporation and hydrafacial.
Dull complexion, loss of radiance, tired complexion, dilated pores: to restore radiance to the face, a smooth and rested complexion several treatments are recommended such as micro needling, peeling, meso electroporation and hydrafacial.
Sagging skin: sagging skin, double chin, sagging jowls are treated by radiofrequency or HIFU laser.
All these treatments can be done alone or combined for best results.
During your appointment, a diagnosis and a check-up will be made to offer you the most appropriate solution for your case.
Do not hesitate to contact us at our aesthetic technology center in Paris 16th for more information.
06 43 13 13 32 or via the contact form.
La tarifs des soins visage pour homme varient de 120€ à 200€ selon les traitements. Un bilan gratuit est proposé avant chaque séance pour répondre aux besoins de tous nos clients
N’hésitez pas à nous contacter à notre centre de technologie esthétique à Paris 16ème pour plus d’informations
au 06 43 13 13 32 ou via le formulaire de contact.